Tomato-basil jam grilled cheese

You’ve probably noticed by now I’m a big fan of the grilled cheese sandwich.   And ever since I made tomato-basil jam, I’ve been looking for a way to use it.  So when I got home and couldn’t think of a thing to make for dinner one night, I looked at the jam and thought “tonight’s the night.”

This sandwich was pretty damn delicious.  The bread was crispy.  The cheese was gooey.  And the jam was both sweet and savory at the same time.  I kind of wish I had added some fresh basil to the sandwich in addition to the jam.  I actually thought about it while making it, but I was honestly so tired from a long work day (and a long sleepless night dealing with a sick doggy) that I didn’t want to walk the ten feet to my basil plant.  So, so lazy.

Tomato jam grilled cheese

  • two slices of bread
  • tomato-basil jam
  • mozzarella cheese
  • olive oil

Heat a few tablespoons of olive oil in a pan over medium heat.  Spread some jam on a slice of bread and plop that bread into the hot olive oil.


Cover the jam in mozzarella.

IMG_1596Add the other slice of bread, flip over, and cook until everything is amazing.

IMG_1599Then eat this amazingness!


tomato basil grilled cheese mozzarella crunchy gooey

