Have I mentioned like 1,000 times that I’m behind on my Christmas party prep? Well finally after this weekend I’m a little bit less panicked. About half of my savory bite-sized items were prepared so now I can breathe a little. One of the new recipes I came up with…
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m still not quite on board with the whole crock pot thing. I just cannot decide in the morning what I’m going to want for dinner that night. For instance, I thought this morning that I would definitely want soup for dinner but then I got…
I really need to get going on my holiday baking, as I said in the York Peppermint Brownie post. Sadly, I’m still way behind. I spent the past two weekends working on my Christmas decorations, and that was a lot of work. 17 trees are up and decorated so far,…
Guys, it didn’t occur to me that when I started posting recipes that meant I was going to have to post my SECRET recipes. This is painful, but this time of year I basically prepare for Christmas and those preparations involve my secret Christmas recipes. This weekend I made some…
I’m straight-up shocked that I haven’t posted a brownie on here. I mean, brownies are my go-to lazy baking item. Plus, I don’t particularly like chocolate so I can have brownies in the house without being tempted to binge. Now, mashed potatoes are another story altogether . . . I…
As I posted last week, I recently had my first honey harvest. I spent a couple hours each night of the week bottling the honey, so by the weekend that part of the project was done. But I still had the crushed beeswax to deal with. I’m sure a lot…