
Essential oil storage with rice

essential oil storage box rice

So I took a little break from the blog again.  Four months is a “little break,” right?  Well, this time I’m pretty sure I have an excellent excuse: I was finishing my PhD!  So now my imaginary readers can call me Dr. Christine.  Along with the new degree comes the…

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5-minute ribbon and wrapping wreath

It’s almost New Year’s Eve and I’m sure some of my loyal readers (Hi, Mom) are hosting for the evening.  As I was getting ready for my annual Festivus party on the 23rd, my doors were bare and that was driving me crazy.  I may have had 18 Christmas trees,…

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Rendering Beeswax

As I posted last week, I recently had my first honey harvest.  I spent a couple hours each night of the week bottling the honey, so by the weekend that part of the project was done.  But I still had the crushed beeswax to deal with.  I’m sure a lot…

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