We’re finally having some fall-like weather here in Virginia, so it’s definitely apple picking time! Some girlfriends and I went up to Carter Mountain Orchard outside of Charlottesville the other day. I always say I love apple picking, but here’s the thing: unless you’re buying a metric shit-ton of apples, the apple picking experience lasts about twenty minutes. So of course you’re going to try to kill some time at the orchard walking around looking at random stuff. And buying apple products.
I always buy apple cider at an orchard, but I never drink all of it. I’m not one to drink my calories, so the one glass I get out of a jug is a special treat. But then I have the rest of the jug. So this year I made jelly out of it. It turned out really well so I’m probably going to go buy some more cider to make more jelly for gifts. Plus it was super easy. I forgot to take pictures while I was making it, but this recipe is simple so I don’t think you’ll mind too much.
Apple cider jelly
- 6 cups apple cider
- 9 tablespoons powdered pectin (not the low-sugar kind)
- splash of vanilla
- 7.5 cups sugar
Pour the apple cider and pectin into a sauce pan and whisk together. Bring to a boil. Once the cider is boiling, stir in the vanilla and sugar. Bring back up to a boil and let boil vigorously for one minute. Remove from heat. Spoon into prepared canning jars and process in a water bath canner for 10 minutes.
Yield: I got 13 4-oz jars (I like this size for making gift baskets of assorted jellies and fruit butters) and 3 regular jelly jars (I like this size for the old folks in your life).

I really couldn’t come up with a pretty picture for jelly. So here’s a pyramid of jelly jars in front of a cardigan.
Edited to add: it turns out I did have a better picture of the jelly! Here’s a basket of treats I took over to welcome some new neighbors.