I always have leftover French fries when I choose them as a side at lunch. And you feel guilty if you don’t take them with you. But you also aren’t sure if you’ll eat them. Maybe I overthink the whole thing, but whether to take my fries with me is…
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I was in the lab for 13 hours today. 13 hours. And that was after waking up at 2:45 in the morning and not being able to sleep. So anyway, I’m tired. So, so, sooooooo tired. But all day my legs were itching from this dry winter air (and general…
I’ve had this crazy cold all week, so I’m sorry I haven’t been posting. I’ve pretty much been going to bed the second I get home from work. And then just moaning about how sick I am. So not really a lot of crafting, cooking, or organizing going on! I…